Monday 7 December 2009


I used a medium close up shot of my artist using the rule of thirds to take my photograph, positioning the text beside her as one of Katy Perry's album covers was in a similar layout. I took the photograph of her against the plain wall used as a location in my video wearing the red dress also worn in the video as her feminine dress is in contrast to the title One of the Boys. I downloaded a font Katy Berry from which resembled that of the official Katy Perry font used on her album and single covers. I also encorporated the idea of using contrasting colours for her name, using a pink text for her name 'Katy May' and blue font to highlight the title 'One of the Boys'.
For the back cover, I used a close up photo of her in the same setting with the same dress and continued with the style of writing on the back cover and on the insert inside the CD case. I printed an insert into the CD cover including lyrics to the song and another photo of her, which will appeal to her fans.

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