Thursday 8 October 2009

Focus Group

I asked a group of people who were interested in the pop/rock genre of music to answer some questions on their music tastes and expectations of music videos. Using their answers I can ensure that my video appeals to the target audience and met their expectations of what a pop music video should be like.

Laura Roddam, 18
Laura listens to pop and R'n'B music and often watches music channels such as 4music and TMF which play chart music videos. She often downloads Hit40uk to get the latest chart music and listens to Heart Essex radio station which plays recent music. One of Laura's favourite music videos is Hot n Cold by Katy Perry as it has a good story line to it, is fast paced and fun and also features some performance shots of the artist. Laura also likes Taylor Swifts music video for Our Song and I will take this into account and use some of these concepts in my music video. Laura said she probably wouldn't buy a song just because of the music video.

Sam Stanbury, 17
Sam mostly listens to rock music but also listens to pop music and sometimes listens to Capital Radio which plays these genres of music. He also watches 4music and Viva which play recent chart music. One of his favourite music videos is Use Somebody by Kings of Leon as it shows performance shots of one of his favourite bands and he said that he would buy a song if he liked the music video and would also be encouraged to see them live. This shows that the music video is important in promoting the image of the artist and I will include many performance shots of the artist in my video.

Imogen Overy, 17
Imogen listens to chart music and also listens to Capital Radio and watches similar music channels as Laura and Sam. One of her favourite music videos is Just Can't Get Enough by The Saturdays as it is fun and lively. She said that she would be encouraged to buy a song if she particularly liked the music video and would also be encouraged to see them live if it consisted mainly of performance scenes. I shall use mostly performance shots in my music video to promote the image of my artist as well as a narrative to make it interesting.

Talking to my focus group, I found that most of them were more likely to buy a song if they liked the music video suggesting that music videos are important in promoting the image of the artist and determining their fan base. The people in my focus group mainly liked music videos that were fast paced, with a mix of performance and narrative shots. I will use these ideas in my own music video and ensure that it appeals to pop music fans.

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