Monday 30 November 2009

Digipak research

I researched some existing digipaks and CD covers of various artists before designing my own. I looked at Katy Perry's album and single covers as I am using her song for my music video and I would like to encorporate the design into my own digipak. This is Katy Perry's One of the Boys album cover. Katy Perry is known for being promiscuous and the photo of her enhances this image as it her shows her lying on a sun longer biting a pair of glasses in a suggestive manner. She is also wearing little clothing, suggesting that she is appealing to a male audience. Katy Perry's outfit is reminiscent of the fifties era and the bright and contrasting colours of the cover reflect her unconventional style of dress. Katy Perry's name is in pink bubble writing reflecting her youth and is in contrast to 'One of the Boys' which is written in blue font. For my cover I downloaded a similar font to the one used on this cover so it reflected Katy Perry's fun and unconventional image. 
This is an alternate cover for Katy Perry's album. The same font is used for the text but in different contrasting colours. I like the layout of this cover and will use this style for my cover, with a medium close up of the artist on one side and the text placed next to her. In both covers, Katy Perry is dressed in contrast to the title of the album One of the Boys - in her official album cover, the colour pink seems to be the main colour scheme and she is dressed quite feminine in both covers, in contrast to the lyrics of the song which portray her as a tomboy. I am going to use this idea in the cover of my album.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Location and talent shots

I am featuring my friend Cassie as the main artist in my music video as she will be able to highlight the change in style and character of the artist throughout the song. I also used two other girl friends in the video to act as themselves,showing the contrast between the tomboy main artist 'Katy May' and the girls who she wants to be like. Their style is already quite 'girly' and so they csn use their own clothes when featuring in my video. I am filming the video mostly at my house and garden as I believe it will emphasize the lyrics of the song about changing over summer. I am filming the beginning of the song sitting on the stairs, as I felt I could use full length shots to show her boy-ish dress and posture. I am also filming outside against a plain white wall where her dress changes throughout the video - highlighting her change of attitude and style. For the main part of the narrative to the video I am filming in a bedroom - showing how she begins to change by trying to behave more girly, emphasizing the lyrics 'I started reading seventeen'. This is also where the other two girls enter the video, attempting to give 'Katy May' a makeover as her bedroom would be a typical setting for this. For the bridge I am filming outside, with the artist sitting on a swinging chair. The bridge makes references to flowers and roses and so the artist will be holding flowers and with flowers in the background of the shot to show the contrast in her style. 

Wednesday 4 November 2009